diskSpace Explorer Product Information

diskSpace Explorer is a professional tool, powerful, intuitive and easy to use, that runs under all Windows platforms (Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP etc.) and allows the network professional to manage the server hard disk space and make intelligent allocation decisions for its capacity... yet it is simple enough for the average computer user at home on non-networked computers to allocate and manage hard drive space the way professionals do.

The network administrator can view the server hard disks, recognize user directories which are large, and examine for wasted space and useless files... all done by a simple graphical, view and click, interface.

The home user can view the hard disk, recognize directories and files which are large, and examine for wasted space and useless files... all done by a simple graphical, view and click, interface.

The Explorer-style interface features a drive and folder tree view in the left-hand panel and five overlapped pages on the right to give you detailed information about the selected path.

The first page contains an interactive pie chart that graphically displays the contents of the selected folder (directory). The pie chart can be used to easily navigate through your files and folders. Click on pie sections to zoom into the subfolders of the current folder. Click anywhere outside the pie chart to go back to the parent folder. When moving the cursor over a section of the pie chart, you'll get detailed information on that section such as the name, type, full path, size, amount of wasted space, etc. When you right click your mouse on a file or folder, you'll get a context menu to perform various functions on them (explore, copy, delete).

The second page displays detailed information about the current folder (the amount of used, allocated and wasted space, the number of files and subfolders, the creation date and the date of the last access and change, security information, etc.). The third page contains a detailed list of the subfolders of the current folder. You can select to view only the top subfolders, or only the subfolders larger than a given size. The fourth page reports how much space is wasted by the current folder due to the drive cluster size and how much would be wasted if the folder were located on drives with other cluster sizes. The last page offers you a few options to free up some disk space: you can compress folders and their files to ZIP archives to reduce the space they use, you can delete the folders you don't longer need, etc.

A Tree Bar Chart window is also available. It is designed to help the user quickly find large folders (disk hogs). Bar charts usually offer a faster visual assessment, which makes tracking down disk hogs an easier task.

In addition to summarizing allocated space, diskSpace Explorer will also tell you how much space is wasted due to the drive cluster size. It will also show you how your drive would look and how much space would be wasted with another cluster size or file system (such as FAT32). This feature can help you make intelligent choices on how to repartition your hard disk to reduce the wasted space. It can also help you measure the space required to copy your files to CD-ROMs or floppy disks.

diskSpace Explorer can help you take snapshots of your drives by copying the graphical pie chart display of your folders to the clipboard or to graphic files. diskSpace Explorer can print or export reports containing detailed information about folders and drives. It can also export detailed lists of folders in space, comma or tab delimited format. The reports can contain only the top ten folders, only the folders larger than a given size, etc. The reports can be generated in both interactive and command-line mode (from batch files, SystemAgent, etc.)

diskSpace Explorer is tightly integrated with the Windows shell: you can display the Explorer context menu or the item properties the same way you perform these tasks in Windows Explorer. Because of this tight integration, network administrators can easily access valuable information, such as security information, the files/folders owner, last access date, etc.

The Options menu will help customize your scanning experience. You can choose to show or ignore individual files and wasted space, change the pie chart colors or have diskSpace Explorer automatically scan selected drives when the program loads.